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Pecha Kucha Presentation – A “Chit Chat” Format!!

Pecha Kucha is a way of talking less and showing more presentations, it is the format of showing 20 slides in 20 seconds. Pecha Kucha PowerPoint can help you to present an innovative and effective presentation in just 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Japanese translated this as a “chit-chat” presentation or “sound of conversation” by Japanese. It was created and designed by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Tokyo in the year 2003. This presentation is used by big firms or businesses to clients or staff or for educational purposes. It is a great and unique method to teach students to create the best presentations for class assignments or projects. PK Inc. is software that developed or expanded the PK platform. Since 2004 Europe has started or begun hosting PK nights and days, a typical Pecha Kucha night includes 8 to 14 presentations. Pecha Kucha is used for showing photography, art, creative fields, designs, as well as academics, etc, and covering topics from different fields from traveling to research topics, etc. Pecha Kucha formats also include short video clips through 20 slides.  

How to Create the Best Pecha Kucha Presentation?

The rule for presenting the best Pecha Kucha presentation is simple, the basic rule is to contain 20 slides precisely for 20 sec each. Here are some steps that you can take for the Pecha Kucha presentation

  • Choose a Topic – The very first and most important point is to choose a topic in which you are interested and on which you can talk with great enthusiasm. The topic should be short and straightforward. The presenter has to be sure that the topic is tight and to the point.
  • Minimum Slide Text – It is extremely important to use minimum text in your presentation because slides last for only 20 seconds. The audience will not be able to process too much text in a few seconds. Use more images, filters, and styles through which people can retain more information.
  • Be Organised – Pecha Kucha format requires a lot of discipline thus, make an outline of your presentation and fit your ideas into a 20*20 format. Present slides in such an organized manner so that the audience gets them in one go.
  • Create a PowerPoint – The best way is to use images that can say it all, and try to avoid text, facts, and figures in your PK presentation. This is the most successful format used by presenters. Your audience should not try so hard to read the presentation instead they should understand the whole meaning just by the images you use.
  • Tell a Story with Images – The photos you use in the presentation should be connected to the narration. Try to make a story that makes an audience pay closer attention, the story should convey the importance and value of your topic.
  • Focus on Main Points – It’s challenging to present the main points in such a short time frame. Take out only those points that your audience wants to listen to, and try to present not more than three points that truly focus on the topic you have chosen.
  • Practice a Presentation – Practice makes a man perfect! Once you are ready with your Pecha Kucha presentation, it’s time to practice it with your narration. The slides and your speech should match each other. Since the slides are moving after every 20 sec you need to make sure that your narrative should be in line with the timing of those slides. To avoid any anxiety you can include some visual cues on each slide.

How to Choose Good Topics for Pecha Kucha Presentations?

Pecha Kucha presentations are quite different from PowerPoint slides, and people who use this format for the first time are generally confused about what and how they should choose the right topic. But the answer is you should present what you love! 

But still, if you are confused about how to present your topic then here’s a tip-

  • Purpose: you need to be sure about what you want to show to your audience, ask yourself what the purpose of and what message you want to convey to people. 
  • Audience: You should always be aware of your audience type, their social life, their backgrounds, interests, beliefs, cultural background, etc. 
  • Interests: You can only make this topic interesting if you find this topic interesting, and helps you to head start upon your research work, and a well-received discussion for the audience.  
  • Conciseness: Being concise is another factor in choosing a good topic. Choose a topic that takes less time.


A Pecha Kucha presentation takes efficient use of the spoken word to create a meaningful, and concise presentation. All the 20 slides move in 20 seconds automatically. Although it is not used for a common purpose but for creative disciplines to share their work or professionals to share their stories or any journey. Sometimes, students are asked to present this format as it helps to increase their capability in presenting content quickly, with aim and energy.

What are the key components of a successful Pecha Kucha presentation?

Successful Pecha Kucha presentations involve choosing a compelling topic, using minimal text on slides, organizing content effectively, creating a PowerPoint with impactful images, telling a coherent story with visuals, focusing on main points, and practicing the presentation with narration.

How do I choose a good topic for a Pecha Kucha presentation?

When selecting a topic for a Pecha Kucha presentation, consider your interests, the purpose of the presentation, your audience’s demographics and interests, and the need for conciseness.

How can Pecha Kucha presentations benefit students?

Pecha Kucha presentations can help students improve their presentation skills by teaching them to deliver content quickly, concisely, and with energy, thus enhancing their ability to communicate ideas effectively.

Is there specific software for creating Pecha Kucha presentations?

While there isn’t specific software exclusively for Pecha Kucha presentations, standard presentation software like PowerPoint or Keynote can be used to create them effectively.

Posted on May 18, 2021 by NAH