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The Significance of Math and Statistics for Analytics!

Analytics inextricably link to maths and statistics. It is the most important part of mathematics. Mathematics is the backbone of analytics, if you are an analyst, you need to have a deep understanding and knowledge of the foundational mathematics. This will help you to apply analytics techniques properly. It uses data and maths to find answers, discover relationships, predict future outcomes and search for possible solutions. Analytics use to find meaningful patterns in data and uncover new information dependent on applied math, insights, prescient demonstrating, and AI strategies.

Today most organizations and firms use analytics as a strategic asset and are the focal point of many functional roles and skills. The pressing factors of the advanced world are hitting us all. Would you be able to name anybody in any association who isn’t encountering a requirement for speed, readiness, adaptability, and advancement? This makes analytics a priority for nearly everybody, not just statisticians and researchers. Having a strong comprehension of the math behind the cool algorithm gives you an edge among your companions and makes you extra confident.  To understand the dynamics of analytics, logarithms and recurrence equations need to be acknowledged. Or, if you want to analyze data you will face many maths and statistics concepts like periodic functions, the relationship between variables, variability, and exponential decay.

Concepts of Maths and Statistics in Analytics

Maths and statistics are the two of the most essential parts of Analytics. Analytics revolves around these two disciplines and draws their concepts to operate on the data. Let’s explore the various concepts on which analytics-based and their practical applications in it. 

Maths for Analytics –

Maths is a subject that impacts every subject, its usage depends on the magnitude of the other disciplines. Analytics work on data, the data is not all the time numerical, it is extra useful if it treats as numerical. Data work as vectors an object adheres to arithmetic rules. This leads us to understand how linear algebra is operated over a bulk of data. The two main components of mathematics that contribute to analytics are – Linear Algebra and Calculus. Let’s just briefly check out how these two aspects contribute towards analytics:

Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra is utilized in picture acknowledgement, and text examination. These images are stored in the form of matrices. It is an important part of linear algebra. There are some important types of matrices; Vectors, 2-Dimensional Matrix, Scalars inverse matrix, and operations like transpose of a matrix. The linear algebra techniques that are used in analytics are:

  • Single Value Decomposition
  • Eigenvalue Decomposition
  • Principal Component Analysis  


Calculus utilises optimization procedures. You can’t have profound information on analytics without calculus. Utilizing calculus, you can complete numerical demonstrations of artificial neural organizations and increment their precision and execution. Calculus has two groups; Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus.

Statistics for Algebra –

Statistics helps to study the collection, visualization, analysis, and interpretation of data. Analytics uses stats to read data and to predict all future outcomes and actions. Statistics deals with the raw data and helps industries to make data-driven decisions. Statistics is divided into two parts – 

Descriptive Statistics

This statistics deals with the quantitative summarization of data and is known as summary statistics. This is shown through graphs or numerical representations. The following key concepts of descriptive statistics are:

  • Variability
  • Normal Distribution
  • Skewness & Kurtosis
  • Central Tendency

Inferential Statistics

This type of statistics helps in making conclusions about the large population by running several deductions from the smaller sample. There are various techniques of Inferential Statistics that can be used for analytics are – 

  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Qualitative Data Analysis
  • Central Limit Theorem

Topics Covered in Math and Statistics for Analytics

Mathematics and statistics are the main founding steps for any kind of analytics. Most of the successful analytics industries read and analyze data that depends upon applied mathematics, statistics, computer science, and economics. 

Below is the list of topics of maths and statistics that are required for Analytics:

  • Intro to Inferential Statistics
  • Intro to Descriptive Statistics
  • Probability: Basic Concepts & Discrete Random Variables
  • Applications of Linear Algebra 
  • Bayesian Statistics: From Concept to Data Analysis
  • Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra
  • Statistics for Genomic Data Science
  • Discrete Optimization
  • Biostatistics for Big Data Applications
  • Advanced Linear Models for Data Science 2: Statistical Linear Models
  • Math is Everywhere: Applications of Finite Math
  • Introduction to Probability and Data

Conclusion –

 From the above information, you can easily make out the importance or role of maths and statistics for analytics.  To improve analytical skills it is necessary to be familiar with the topics covers in maths and statistics that are important to read analytical data like Scalars, and vector calculus that explain the optimization algorithm, Linear Algebra covering vectors and matrices, Probability distribution to measure any kind of uncertainty. Learning mathematical and statistical concepts for analytics is essential to read and understand the data in a better way.

Posted on May 31, 2021 by NAH